Absolutely not! Our platform is made available to any type of organization from chambers, main streets, downtowns, up through cities or states! Send us an email at [email protected] with specifics of what you're looking for and we'll be happy to help!
Not at all! The ChamberChamps platform was created for two reasons; 1.) To help chambers grow their resources to better assist their members. 2.) To provide better assistance and support for aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses, allowing them to focus on their craft. It is your decision whether to offer the platform at no charge or to list for resale.
We can have your portal setup with accounts for every one of your members within one week. If you're looking to offer the ChamberChamps platform on a time crunch, email [email protected] and we'll be more than happy to accommodate!
Chambers and other business associations operate with the sole purpose of better supporting and providing for businesses - and we do to. Email [email protected] to start the conversation about what we can do to best accommodate your wants and needs, to transform your members and your organization into the champion it should be!
As the old adage goes "It takes a village", and this rings evermore true for the success of local businesses. Beyond becoming a user of our platform, we offer unique partnerships with like individuals or organizations, exp